Private & Confidential: © 2006 BankSolve Pte Ltd, all rights reserved.


BankSolve Pte Ltd

Problems.  Understood.  Simplified.  Solved.

Combining the 3 C’s of Client, Command and Control will create a solid foundation capable of rapid change at a lower TCO

Blueprint creation is time-consuming, but necessary

Let BankSolve facilitate this process by leveraging the knowledge and experience of several state-of-the art solutions.

Pivotal to the success is designing a standards based, open architecture with process embedded workflow.  Enabling these components to be modular in nature allows for better repeatability and long term lower cost of ownership e.g. keeping vendor products vanilla.

Integrating Access, Infrastructure, Data and Process to the Banks core operating functions will provide an excellent foundation for projects to mapped against



Banking Blueprint

Name:                              Alan G. Payne

Cell:                                 +61-4-4718-3720



Address:                         50 Fletcher St


                                       Australia 2025

Incorporated:                  Singapore

Registration:                   200603034K

To contact us: