Private & Confidential: © 2006 BankSolve Pte Ltd, all rights reserved.


BankSolve Pte Ltd

Problems.  Understood.  Simplified.  Solved.

Understand the problems, Simplify the issues and provide added value solutions

Advisory services must add value and provide insight

Complexity in Banks is ever increasing, considering the increasing needs of clients, more sophisticated compliance requirements and core banking systems complexity.  Navigation through this is daunting at the best of times. 

BankSolve offers consulting skills to assist you in identification of where you are, and where you could or should be, providing insight and clarity, based on 20 years experience in delivering successful Financial Systems


Why use BankSolve?


· Faster identification of underlying business problems.  “Solve the disease, not the symptoms”

· Understanding of your issues.  As an ex-client facing these challenges I can empathise and offer insight as well as comparatives to similar institutions

· Deep Industry knowledge

· Provision of easy to read reports and explanations, that can be used to promote solutions internally.  As we know, the internal navigation can be as tough as the solution itself!

· Deep knowledge of how Financial Systems fit together, not just the new SoA based ones, but also the existing legacy platforms that are typically deeply embedded in the Banks architecture


Name:                              Alan G. Payne

Cell:                                 +61-4-4718-3720



Address:                         50 Fletcher St


                                       Australia 2025

Incorporated:                  Singapore

Registration:                   200603034K

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