Private & Confidential: © 2006 BankSolve Pte Ltd, all rights reserved.


BankSolve Pte Ltd

Problems.  Understood.  Simplified.  Solved.

Look for low hanging fruit to pay for future more capital intensive development

Managing change makes or breaks a project

It is imperative to identify the critical components of a process, using established mapping methodologies e.g. BPEL, so the adaptation of them can be understood and repeated.  Good technology is process driven and lowest cost of ownership.

Prioritise your projects based on relevant criteria to you.  This may not be cost;  Security or compliance may be higher compelling events. 

Transparency of projects is highly recommended, so the use of strong Governance with key Stakeholder membership is recommended

Why use BankSolve?


· Detail knowledge on how to prioritise projects to reduce cost of change, or at least smooth the multi-year costs in line with matching revenue to expenditure

· I have set up many Governance bodies to manage multi-million dollar programs of projects

· Advised several banks on how to re-engineer, right process and outsource low risk components of processes to low cost areas

· Achieve results faster through practical advice.  It’s been done before!

· Re-use before your buy, buy before you build, rarely build.

Project and Change Management

Name:                              Alan G. Payne

Cell:                                 +61-4-4718-3720



Address:                         50 Fletcher St


                                       Australia 2025

Incorporated:                  Singapore

Registration:                   200603034K

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