Private & Confidential: © 2006 BankSolve Pte Ltd, all rights reserved.


BankSolve Pte Ltd

Problems.  Understood.  Simplified.  Solved.

Services are grouped under 4 main areas


Review of IT and Business programs to assess best fit for other technologies, education on what new technologies are available, and how best to incorporate them into existing infrastructure.

For more information about this service:


Project management, implementation planning, governance structure, cost/benefits analysis, process review and re-engineering, prioritization and how to find “low hanging fruit”.

For more information about this service:

Project and Change Management

Service Oriented Architecture and real time applicability,  Modular and component based vision creation, Core Banking replacement (and assessment), right sourcing evaluation.  Blueprint creation (see tab opposite).

For more information about this service:


Text Box: Vendor assessment and evaluation, scoring and metrics creation,  negotiation and techniques for lowering cost of ownership.

For more information about this service:


Name:                              Alan G. Payne

Cell:                                 +61-4-4718-3720



Address:                         50 Fletcher St


                                       Australia 2025

Incorporated:                  Singapore

Registration:                   200603034K

To contact us: